
What do others say about North Star Toys?

Take a look at what Casey Deuce had to say about the HAPPY HYBRID. Also, take a look at the rest of Casey’s blogspot. Very Cool!

Cool Mom Picks IS a very hip site. They say that: “We're just a few moms that track down cool stuff so you can stay busy being fabulous. We know cool stuff doesn't make the mom, but it certainly helps make life a little better.” These very cool Moms also had some nice things to say about our wooden camera.

Playground for Parents is a neat parenting blog run by Nina who says this about herself: “Who am I? A chocoholic, internet addicted, loving mother of two, who is determined to save the sanity of parents everywhere.”

Katie from Boutique Café had some very nice things to say about our toys. We really appreciate it! Check out the Boutique Café. They are very devoted to helping out “mompreneurs”. So great!

We are all about safety! We are proud to announce that we made the Safe Alternative Spring Essentials Top Picks featured on the site. is brought to you by two mothers with a great vision and strong passion!  They offer to you clear, to-the-point-information on raising your baby in a toxic-free environment.

The Wiseman Conspiracy blog had a lot of nice things to say about North Star Toys. This blog has a considerable amount of content on sustainable, green living. Have a peek.

Kidlove is another great blog for information on sustainable living. They posted a nice review of some of our toys and our sustainable practices.

Take a look and see what Stacey at "ecomodernmom" has to say about North Star Toys. There are some cute photos Stacey's daughter playing with our Camera and Happy Hybrid.